Monday, April 12, 2010

Article #10 Final Post :)

My reseach is finally comming to an end and its almost time to start my paper :). I still have a few more things too look up but im really excited to start typing it up. One of the last things i wanted to look up was temporary medical emancipation. In most states a child can get temporary mediacl emancipation when they become pregnant or when they get tested for STD's. Most medical facilities aloow this to be a form of emancipation because they do not make you tell you parents about taking the test or the results from it. Some doctors even allow teenagers to get different forms of contraceptives without getting the A-okay from their guardians. This article relates to my topic because if teens can get a "temporary emancipation" maybe their should be more ways of obtaining emancipation. Also this shows that adults do have a little trust in teens so it wont be as hard to persuade them to give teens a little more freedom. Overall im really excited about this project and i love the fact that we got to pick our own topicss.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! I never knew that people could be temporarily emancipated! I feel like giving people emancipation in certain cases is a good idea. Everybody, including children, deserve some rights concerning their bodies. However, the amount of leeway is diffucult to decide. I think that this article could provide a good solution for your essay!
