Monday, April 12, 2010

Article #6 History Of Adolescent

Source Citation:
Marks, F. Raymond. "Detours on the Road to Maturity: A View of the Legal
Conception of Growing up and Letting Go ." Law and Contemporary Problems.
Vol. 39. N.p.: Duke University School of Law, 1975. 78-92. 3. JSTOR. Web.
12 Apr. 2010.

Since my topic is not as common as some of the other ones that were picked I really have to do a lot of reading and applying things to the context of my situation of writing a paper. Their was a really interesting article on JStor that kind of goes through the history of adolescents. In the article it talks about how things use to be and how we adapt new rules to fit our society. It also makes an interesting point of how all kids are all treated the same in the eye of the law no matter how old you are. So whether a child is 7 or 17 they pretty much have the same limits, is that really fair? I know the brain is still developing even until your 20's but the brain of a 7 year old and a 17 year old are still very different. Maybe this could be a solution to my problem and that the states need to make a more detailed system of levels that give more freedom as you get older. In today’s way of law in the medical industry it is pretty much a hit or miss and their are no in-betweens even for the young adults that can handle big decisions like this. This article provided a lot of insight and it gave room for a lot of options for me to think about. Also from in the article their was a part about how in some states you are considered medically emancipated for certain things such as pregnancy or testing for STD's. These are some of the beginning steps to get teens more prepared to make life decisions but it is still not enough.

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