Monday, April 12, 2010

Article #7 Not All Teenagers are Alike

Source Citation:
Mahowald, Mary B. "Flawed Laws, Better Ethics: Not All Teenagers Are Alike ."
Politics and Life Sciences 15.2 (1996): 297-298. JSTOR. Web. 12 Apr.

As I mentioned in my last blog I don’t think it’s fair that a 7 year old and a 17 year old basically have the same rights. It also isn’t fair that not all teenagers are alike and it’s not fair to put them all on a basic scale. Mary B. Mahowald writes that the age [of majority] should be chosen on a special census. I believe she is right because everybody is different and their situations are always going to be different so why put an age limit that is so high up [18]. Normally when their are laws there are in-between marks like working your way up the ladder. Take Drivers training for example, first at a specific age you can start taking driving classes, then after you pass your first test a few months later you can get you license and be able to drive without a parent, and finally after a year you have a regular license just like all of the adults who drive. That system starts you at the bottom and you work your way up to the top. Medical emancipation in general just has two steps. The first is not having any rights and then you go to making decisions for your self. This system does not give the individuals any learning by experience time and all of a sudden they are just thrown out with out too much guidance. the article relates too my topic because it shows that you cant just have one set of guideline and lawmakers always need to have backup plans for the exceptions of the law. Or what if instead of all people under the age of 18 should not all be generalized with the term children? I’m not sure but I think I have to go look that up some more.

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